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Atlas Foundation’s Giving Tuesday Fundraiser

You Can Raise More Money on GivingTuesday

GivingTuesday is a global day of giving. To help raise awareness of charitable causes and encourage donors’ generosity, Facebook will match $7 million USD in qualifying donations made on Facebook during GivingTuesday.

How matching works:

Matches are made on a first-come, first-served basis and will continue until the $7M USD fund has been met.

First: Matching 100% of the first $2M:

For the first $2million, Facebook will match 100% of donations made to qualifying fundraisers. For example, if you donate $10, Facebook will also donate $10.

Second: Matching 10% after:

For the remaining $5M, we’ll match 10% of donations made to qualifying fundraisers. For example, if you donate $10, Facebook will donate $1.

When matching will start matching begins on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 7am Central Time. It’ll continue matching qualifying donations to nonprofits until the $7M match runs out.


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