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Annual Dialogue and Friendship Dinner 2010 Baton Rouge

Approximately 200 people from the Baton Rouge community, representing diverse religious traditions and cultural backgrounds, were guests of the Atlas Foundation at the 7th Annual Dialog and Friendship Dinner held at Boudreaux’ s on November the 4th, 2010. Those attending heard a variety of informative and inspirational talks provided by well-known community leaders and educators.

Dr. Richard Webb, Atlas Advisory Board member,served as Master of Ceremonies. Senator Sharon Weston Broom recalled her experiences from a recent trip to Turkey in which she had the opportunity to dialog with host families there. Three speakers, Susan Smolinsky, Sister Cynthia Sabathier, respectively representing the perspectives of the three faith traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, addressed the importance of truly listening to others. Keynote speaker, Robert Mann, urged the audience, ” Reach into your wallets, not for your money, but your business card and exchange it this evening with someone from a different religion or cultural background. Plan to meet for coffee and talk!” A highlight of the evening was the special recognition and presentation of the Atlas Foundation Dialog and Friendship Award to Rev. Dr. Steve Crump for outstanding service to the community in promoting peace through interfaith and intercultural dialog.


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